Sunday, October 01, 2006

I'm just going to sit here, listen to some music, convince myself I'm not crazy...

Y'know those wierd dreams I like to post about?

Well, yeah, I've had some really fucked up ones that I never bothered to post about online because... well, I just never did.

A handful involved the Squirrel King -- that's where I got the name of this blog -- and, well, he would talk about stuff. Or whatever. The first time he showed up, he was saving me from the evil sorceress that the Public Affairs Scholars' program had hired.

He's got a little necklace, with the teeth of animals that have challenged him and failed, and a sceptre that's a bone, with little strings of beads coming out one end.

Truth be told, there is a legend on campus about a king of the squirrel king, but it pretty much ends at "there's a fat squirrel that all the other squirrels bring nuts too."

Anyways, a few days ago, I had a dream where my friend Taran and I are sitting on this hill. It's a steep hill that's totally surrounded by trees, so you can't or don't see it if you're not inside the circle of trees. So, we're sitting there, and the Squirrel King walks up, and says, in his deep, authoritative voice, "Come, we have many things to discuss, things which mortal men seem to talk quite alot about."

And he went on to hand him his sceptre, and say, "You're the rightful heir to my throne."

The other, really fucked up dream (or series thereof) involves talking Kabuki masks. Or maybe it's a No mask. I don't know, I never sat down and studied Japanese theatre, but, the point is, it's a mask, and it floats in the air, and talks to me.

All in all, the things it says are pretty cryptic.
"This is not a path you have chosen. This is one that has been chosen for you."
"Do not hide behind your fears. They will not shield you."
"Do not fall by the wayside: Someone will find you; someone will catch you."
The first two, it just sort of floated there, in front of me, talking. That third one, it floated over my shoulder, talking, before I put the mask on, and walked around campus in it, with very little control of my actions.

The really creepy one, though, is the fourth one: "I am the spectre of failures past, come to haunt you for all you've done."

I don't know what that means.

Especially since part of what the Squirrel King said was, "Do not worry: At the end of the day, it is worry that will hurt you most."

And when I told Taran, his response was: "Nice. I'm king of the squirrels."

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