Monday, August 21, 2006

Normally, I'm not a fan of Zombies. But these Zombies were just plain creepy.

I had another really fucked up dream last night.

This one, though, was just totally off the wall.

It was part of a recurring series of dreams I've had recently, where the Public Affairs Scholars' Program that I was in was, in fact, a cult, and they'd all wear black robes, and do things to either piss me off, or require me to at least try to save the world from them.

It's an ongoing thing.

So, in the dream I had last night, I decided that I was going to take matters into my own hands, and infiltrate the cult. I had these really nifty throwing knives (that kinda resembled the weapons from Kingdom Hearts II) and I got myself a black robe. I headed down to the Public Policy building -- 'cause that's where all the evil stuff happens -- and I was going to save the world.

No dice.

I get there just in time to piss off the PAS program's necromancer. /*why a cult posing as a Scholarship Program devoted to the Social Sciences really needs a necromancer is totally beyond me, but, yes, they had a necromancer. and yes, I pissed him off*/

He raised an army of the undead -- and not just skeletons, either. No. We're talking about zombies. And these zombies were all kinds of creepy. Now, I don't know if you've ever had a dream where an army of undead came after you, but it's scary. And to make it worse, they all had these claw-like spinities coming out of their palms. I think he called them "claw musks."

So, I'm losing the battle against the unfairly-armed zombies, and my friend Taran shows up out of nowhere and saves me. /*This, by the way, is the same friend who was driving to Serbia in that other dream*/.

After the not-so-harrowing escape -- we just walk out -- we find our way back to my house, which is 250 miles and three states away. This is the part where he, a friend of mine from highschool, and I are standing on my front porch, discussing what to do next. "Well, we could drive into Great Neck, and visit so-and-so," "Oooh! I know! Let's go to the Big 90 Mall!"

And the other two start to tell tales of the last time that they drove to Jamaica to go to this Mall, which I'm pretty sure doesn't exist. And, to top it off, I'm pretty sure they've never actually met.

It was wierd.

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