Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Y'know that feeling when you can't remember a joke, but you can remember the punchline?


When I was in the eigth grade -- well, this was 2000, and it's the day after election day. I'm pretty sure you can guess where I'm going with this one.

Anyways, pretty much any bad joke anyone made in some way involved recounting or chads or something.

The one that I'll always giggle at was the one my eigth grade math teacher told us. It was right before thanksgiving... and the punchline had something to do with a turkey. And it's the sort of thing that I still giggle about, 'cause it was just so bad, but I can't actually remember the joke.

If you thtink you might remember it, or maybe you can figure it out, or something, dump it in the comments section, plz, 'cause now it's bothering me, kkthnx.

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