Friday, July 20, 2007

Okay Boys and Girls, It's time to talk about common fucking courtesy.

  • Just because you happen to have a car, and you're surrounded by a ton or two of steel, that doesn't mean that you don't have to share the road with pedestrians and cyclists.

  • Don't get pissed at me that I'm in the crosswalk when you wanted to run that red light.

  • If I say "Excuse me," it's because I want you to move, and because I'm too fucking polite to say "Get out of the way you Goddamned shitstain."

  • It isn't that hard to share the Goddamned road. Or the sidewalk, for that matter. If you see a cyclist coming toward you, don't make them swerve into a pole, streetsign, or shrubs, just to get around your fat ass.

  • Turning sprinklers on while Pedestrians and Cyclists are in front of your house is fucking lame. Especially when I can fucking see you doing it.

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