Friday, October 12, 2007

Don't worry. I'm still here.

I've been having an, um, interesting couple of weeks.

I'm still unemployed, because, apparently, being able to lace a woman into a corset isn't what most people consider a "marketable skill".

I had a fish -- a crowntail betta -- named Sophocles, and he died recently. And it sucked because his tankmates that died before him are buried in Maryland, and he had to be buried here in New York.

Then, we got a call from my aunt, telling us that my grandfather had died. So we had to drive out to Southampton, for the funeral -- she had moved my grandparents out there, near her -- and it was kinda weird, 'cause he already had a plot in Queens. And he was all gaunt and pale and shit.

And they had to get the funeral director to pry the casket open at the cemetary so they could send him off with cigarettes and a lighter, because, "if there's any justice in this world, he won't be near an open flame."

1 comment:

Feng said...

looks like a fun series of events where humor in death is present.