Thursday, September 21, 2006

We are the world's trashbasket.

This is one of those conversations that started as another conversation.

It begins with me opening up a new window in Camino. Every time I open up a new window, I'm greeted with one of those personalized Google homepages, y'know, that has what you tell it to have... and, anyways, I have a lot of news on it.

It's a throw-back to the days when I was a PoliSci major, and I, y'know, still actually gave a shit about politics.

Anyways, I clicked on one of the links, to read about some new retardedness in Congress, only to be thoroughly bewildered, because, what the fuck, this is retarded. Seriously.

The Republicans, apparently, have decided that National Security is now "their issue", which means that if your a Democrat, or a Libertarian, or an Independent, you're, y'know, not allowed to care, I guess. But three Senators had the sheer audacity to go against the President in a midterm election year! Oh the Humanity!

Anyways, I started bitching to my roommate about it, and she responds, "Y'know, honestly, I love this country and all, but our leaders are just so retarded."
"Yeah," I added, "I hate to admit it, but I probably wouldn't mind being in Canada or England."

That lead into another segue that I don't remember, and I blurted out, "well, I mean, we're just everyone that England didn't want. Canada, at least they sat down with England, y'know, civilly, in, like, 1934, and they were like, 'hey, can we have our independence?', and England was like, 'sure, why not?'."

This, natually, lead into a long diatribe about our respective backgrounds, and what brought our varied family members here in the first place. But that thread finally ended:

"No, I mean, think about it, like, that bit with Ellis Island -- 'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breath free' -- we're the ones nobody wanted. We're the world's trashbasket."
"Yeah, but, I mean, there's nothing wrong with that--"
"--well, no--"
"I mean, that's actually kind of cool."

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