Thursday, October 19, 2006

I fail at life.

Yeah, this is the part where I get to be all kinds of whiny and emo and all.

I managed to totally fuck up a CompSci project. It was great. I spent almost all day today working on it, having no idea what the fuck I was doing, only to have my computer spit errors back at me.

I'm waiting for the day that someone invents a compiler that, when your program generates an error, it simply declared "You fucked up."

At any rate, I finally got it to the point where my computer gave up on me.

Yeah, that's right.

Even my computer couldn't take it any more.

It just sat up on the desk and said, "Y'know what? No, fuck you, I ain't taking this retardedness anymore."

Well, actually, it didn't say that.

But it did say "proj2.c:71: confused by earlier errors, bailing out".

Oh yeah. Good times.

...and to make it even better, the first time I tried to post this, I got an error message from Blogger telling me there was a problem with the server, and to try again later.

1 comment:

Feng said...

Wow...That's...uh...that's sad. Hell, I wasn't even that bad.